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hijacking the here and now: my first Ignite talk

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Excited (and a bit nervous ;-) about doing my first ever Ignite talk, next Monday 3/28 in SF. I’ve got 5 minutes to get through 20 auto-advancing slides on the subject of “Hijacking the Here and How: Adventures in Augmented Reality.” Here’s what I said in my submission:

Augmented reality is all about webcam marketing gimmicks and filling the world with geotagged logos, right? Nope, wrong. Instead, we’re learning that the natural mode of expression for AR, is enabling people to *hack time and space*. In 5 minutes, I’ll show you ~20 solid examples of how artists, journalists, historians and citizen activists are using augmented reality to hijack the here and now.

If you’re in San Francisco on Monday, come by and check it out — there are loads of fun speakers lined up, and it would be great to see some familiar faces! Details here: